Which is one ofthe most spectacular styles of the 1940s hair models, the name of this model construction step, let’s explain. This model is the beginnings of the 1940s, based on the vintage model of the pin curl sets are made.
1 First, the forehead and the back part of the hair correcting the scan. Curve the hair, as well as towards the bottom of the hair. This process repeats until the loss of hair on the forehead lightly, and then gently roll towards that side buckle fasten wire.
2. From the top of your head to the back of the ear so taken with a pinch of your hair. And curve this wisp of curl in the opposite direction of the head. Pin up the hair parts by bending forward and then one side of the hair.
3. Then, get tuft of hair on the other side and pull it downwards. This takes the form of curls to the hair tuft, tuft of hair to the end of your finger.
4. From the opposite side as the second crimp to be the next slot to perform a wire by the help of booby pins.
5. Your 3 curves fixed and tight hair, make sure it stops. If it is necessary, fix your hair by using more wire clasp.
6. On your hair full of Veronica Lake model you’re ready to feel the breeze of vintage. Take a look at yourself in the mirror now and smile.
The Full-Un Veronica Lake Hairstyles
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